Sunday, December 5, 2010

Final Blog

Is it possible for power in positive thinking ?

        We all ask ourselves all the time if it is possible that are thinking is the way to Success ?  The answer is yes and it is possible.  When a person wants to go for a career that they desire they must think positive about other wise they will not be able to reach their goal.  To think positive will enable us  become inspired, gain self confidence and Overthrow fear of obstacles that we will face while obtaining a career of our dreams.Now if we were to think negatively we can not proceed with accomplishing our goal to getting the career that we want.  I will discuss in my blog how we positive thinking effects us.

        Thinking positive will give us the power of becoming successful.  When we are pursing something that we want like a career dream, it takes a lot of work.  There are challenges that will be awaiting us.  A few examples, lets say we want a career as a computer science engineer or a career as a graphic designer.  While pursing a career As a computer science major  there are lots of math and science courses, Now they may sound hard but there is a way of passing them.  With positive thinking  their can be a way
for those who are in this major to  overcome the obstacle by studying and working real work and doing the best to score as high as possible on exams.  As for those who Want to be a graphic designer they must put a lot of time an effort into making the best Looking website or advertisement to become successful and do the job right.  Positive Thinking is also important because not only for finishing college but when you are diminished with school and out their in the real world working as the career you choose.Thinking positive on the field is very important because you have to be able to also finish the jobs that you are given when working for someone. When you want to become your own boss.  When we are all bosses of our career its very important to think positive because being the boss means a lot of responsibilities, being depended on and knowing what and how to run your own company.  Thinking positive is the key to becoming successful in life and with out it its is impossible to reach your goal.

         Thinking negatively will force you to not be able to get to the career of your dreams.When people think negative in their life they cannot get anywhere, when pursing a careerthey become overwhelmed tired, lazy, procrastinate.  As a result they end up dropping out Of college and finding a crappy job making a very low pay and people like theses end up doing it for the rest of their life’s instead of pursing their career dream.  It is true that life changes a lot and there are times when we cant get to where we want to be, However that doesn’t mean giving up is the best solution.  Many students that are in college that leave don’t ever come back.  For some even to try to come back its usually more difficult because they have families to take care of which means its triple the work collage, work, and taking care of the family.  Thinking negative can get some people to places that they would not want to be.  For example some people who think negatively will do things that they will regret such as committing suicide, hurting a family member or friend when being offered help,  begin overdose on drugs or becoming a alcoholic.  Overall thinking negatively will get us no where.  As long as we think in this form we will end up nowhere in out life’s, not only for our careers but also for when we want to accomplish other goals as well.

        Is thinking positive truly to way to success?  It can be if the right steps are being taken into place.  Thinking positive gives us the power to do the impossible for when we Pursue our careers. Also positive thinking applies to finishing any other types of goals as well.  Thinking negative all the time will cause problems and we will not be able to become successful or reach our goals.  Positive thinking is the right way to a better future.

Happiness and Health edited

Minas Polychronakis                                                                             

ENG 101

Dr. McCormick


          How can Happiness increase our health ?  Happiness plays a key role when it comes down to our health.  Taking care of our health is very important to us.  There areseveral ways that we can improve our  health.  To begin Laughing is a very good way to benefit our health.  Laughing can help treat certain illnesses.  Another way is for us to be happy while confronts depression, being depressed can seriously effect our health and cause problems.  In my paper I will discuss the steps of how happiness willcreate positive effects towards our health.

          Laughing is a very good way to increase our health. Many of us when we are upset, or frustrated about something and not sure what or how to handle it.  One of the best things to do during a situation like this is to laugh.  They say laughing is the best medicine. Many people out their in the world don’t even know how to laugh and also do not realize how it can help them.  For an example we are experiencing a rough day at work or school, we feel disappointed or stressed out about something.  Laughing can help change out mood of thinking and gives us a sign of relieve and feel much better right after. Another example we all  have a cold and feel horrible and miserable. One way to feel better is to just laugh, as a result you feel a lot better  and a little bit more relieved from the cold afterwards. Laugh for no reason at all.  Laughter also has been said to have help cured certain illness’s.  A doctor named Lee Burk in 2001  states that “mirthful laughing increases the productions of natural killer cells, which help the body fight viral infections and cancerous growths”(85). The kinds of illness that happiness can help fight against is heart disease, diabetes and allergies. Another thing that laughter can do is expand your life span.  If you laugh more often you are increasing your chances of living longer. Not only yourself but if we were to laugh all together we would all be helping each other becoming healthier.  Khatchadourian was the one to promote what’s called laughing yoga.  In these kind of exercise it was proven that it was effective.As one of the trainee’s stated “Laughter connects you with people.” and another traineeSaid “it reduces stress.” (79)

    Being happy can help fight depression.  In todays world one of the worst things to have is depression.  Depression is a very hard mood to deal with and it is a struggle to survive while in this mood. To begin one of the ways to fight depression is to convert negative emotions into happy ones, to think happy emotions.  For example you go to school and given a large amount of homework assighments and projects from your classes that are overwhelming.  One way we could fix this kind of problem is to have hope, believe in yourself, and have self cofidence. After doing that you will be able to finish your classes and then be able to graduate earning yout degree in the career that youdesire.  Another way to fight depression is confronting it with a pyscologist or a family member or friend.  A great way to fight depression is finding what it is they makes you happy. The idea is to search for it,  to see what motivates you as a person.  If you cannot happy then you cannot live a life without a good reason. Simplie being happy can lead to a better life and healtier one.
Being depressed can have a very harmful effect towards your health.To be depressed constantly causes massive problems. At the same time you are not ableto live a decent life because your health becoming is worse and worse making you weaker. One of the most dangerous effects of being depressed is that it can cause heart failure. While being depressed it can lead not only to negative emotions but also to negative actions, such as alcohol and drug abuse.  When people are engaged in this kind of abuse not only are they damaging their health but the health of others because they are worrying about their love ones and friends.  Another example someone could be wanting to finish college but as a result fails to even get close to receiving the degree because they did not pass certain courses to graduate. The reason for this happening is because that person did not try to be happy or make an effort too therefore causing the reason to fail the goal of getting a degree in college.  Being depressed not only effects your health but the environment around you, such as where you work. You can get fired for just even being depressed all the time and the reason is because your boss doesn’t want a employor that is negative and  cannot be relied to do the work. Yet another example that depression effects you socially  around your family and friends. Being depressed all the time they will become tired of it because it makes them unconfortable and as a result you are making them depressed.  In an article by Barbaera Ehrenriech it states “ninety-nine out of Every 100 people report that they want to be around more positive people”(72).

    Is happiness the answer to all of our problems? Not always however it is the answer toliving a better and happier life.  Laughing is one of the best medecines in the world andit gives us a sign of relieve and makes us feel a lot better afterwards.  Being happy helpsfight depression.  Being happy helps us to fight illness’s and live longer lifes.  Being depressed effects our health and is a threat to our life.  It can cause a number of problems. Overall Being happy is the best thing we can experience, it is the most important thing to our lifes.

Pathologies of hope. Barbera Ehrenreich. Harpers magazine 1 2007.  Raffi Khatchadourian, Happiness. The laughing Guru.


Blog 5

    How can romantic relationships stay strong and happy ? It is not an easy process but it  can be achieved through a number of ways.  I think a romantic relationship is being able to talk with your partner about almost anything, enjoying the time you spend with them,  taking good care of each other and loving each other for who they are. To begin, it is important to for partners to confront each other when any type of problems or issues occur. Another way to keep a strong relationship going  is to have good communication and good amount of time for each other. Last  partners must work together in order to look after one another.  My friends relationship  is a good example of a strong and happy relationship. In my paper I will discuss the necessary steps that are needed to maintain a healthy and successful relationship.

     When in a relationship it is very important to converse with one another when a problem comes up. When a problem occurs in a relationship like one partner complains to the other about how they look, finding out they made a mistake, or even both partners arguing about who is right and who is wrong.  It is important for both  partners to spend time discussing their issues and not fight or get violent with one another. As an example one time my friends girlfriend was having trouble with trying to find out how she was going to pay the phone bill so that she could continue to talk to my friend. So as a result they meet up and discussed the issues togther how they would work together to find a way to pay the phone bill so they can keep communicating. with their problems. They can seek help from their family and friends. They are the most important when it comes for need of support. Partners should not to be limited  when it comes to activities.  In many relationships couples tend to limit the amount of activities they do when spending time with each other. An example a couple will do the same activities every week go see a movie and have dinner right after.  After a period of time it will get very tiring and boring there by creating a problem for the relationship because both partners will become bored of one another.    Both partners have to both be strong about their
love for each other and know for sure why they love each other.  Expanding the activities a couple does will benefit them by increasing their happiness.  An example my friend not only goes to his girlfriend’s house on the weekend, but also  buys her a nice dinner. They go horse back riding in Pennsylvania, explore the city checking out stores and new places to eat, and try out new video game when at his own house for a weekend.

     During the relationship it is important to keep the lack of communication and time spent together strong.  In relationships there are many obstacles that interfere with both partners. For an example the girlfriend could be busy with school doing paper assignments and projects that require a lot of time, or for the boyfriend he may have to work extra hours because it is required of his job.  When these problems occur it is important that both partners keep a strong communication during these tough times. Not all the time a relationship means that you will have all the time in the world,their will be all kinds of interferences.  If not enough strong communication is kept during the relationship the lack of feeling for both individuals will begin to diminish.For example the way my friend makes up time for him and his girlfriend, he works oncertain days and she had a large number of classes. What they do to make time for one another is carefully plan out at least one or two days a week to spent some goodquality time for each other.  This way they keep the love and time for one another fareor even better balanced, because if not their relationship will collapse.

         In a relationship it is important for both partners to look out and take care of one another.  In a relationship it is wise that both partners make an effort to look after one another helping each other pay the bills, doing chores around the house or apartment,or even looking after each others relative.  For an example if only one of the partnersis taking all the responsibility and the other is not doing anything but just depending only on their partner, then there will be problems.  The reason for this is because it is unfair to the partner that is taking all the responsibility and also it shows that the other partner does not care.  Now if both partners are to contribute to helping each other out thenit would be fare and they can have a happy working relationship. For an example my friend and his girlfriend both go to school.  Now they look out for each other by helping each other with their school work. She has a art class so he helps her with her art projects and for him she helps him with his paper assignments. Its like team work and it is fare for both partners. Another example one couple the boyfriend helps his girlfriend around the house with the cooking, laundry and fixing up the house.  As for the girlfriend she would be helping him out with paying off a bill, driving him to school, or making meals for him when he comes home from school or work.  If both partners are helping one another out they will be able to maintain their happiness as well as increase it knowing that they both truly care for one another. 

             Can Happiness for Romantic partners stay happy and strong? They mostdefiantly can if the right steps are done.  When ever problems occur it is wise andvery smart that both partners confront each other about it. Talking it out or gettinghelp from family or friends.  For couples it is also important to try out new thingsand not be limited.  Keeping good communication  of both partners and balancingout time for one another during busy times.  Last most important of all looking out for each other in everyway possible. All of these steps being done will maintainthe level of happiness and increase creating a happy and strong relationship.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happiness and health paper

Minas Polychronakis                                                                                     Polychronakis 1

ENG 101

DR. McCormick


           How can Happiness make us healthier?  Happiness  makes us healthy intwo ways mentally and physically. Taking care of the mind is a tricky task but can be achieved by keeping the mind busy and active and there are many ways  of mental happiness to make ourselves healthier. The other way of making ourselves healthier isthrough physical happiness, keeping the body in motion and also active. In my paper I will discuss the ways of how happiness can make us healthier by listing these ways ofboth mentally and physically.

    Using happiness to become healthier using the mental ways is a tricky task because  there are different methods that are used to make people happier to increase health.
To begin one way is entertainment, like watching a funny/action movie or TV show.This is one way of relieving  the mind from stress or anxiety.  Another way  which somemay find silly and some that find it very useful is a method made up by the Laughing Guru, who is Kataria  Khatchadourin.  The method he has proposed to the whole world is laughing for no reason. Many have tried this and found that they actually feel a lot better even though they laugh for no reason. As an example from this little experimentis from what  a few of the people in one of Khatchadourin session said ,  “Laughter connects you with people,” someone Else called out. “it reduces stress,” It releases you from the bondage of your ego.” The Laughing Guru 79. Kataria’s has been tried all over the world and in many cases it has proven to be effective. Hearing a numberof jokes is yet another way of becoming happier and it will also give a sign of relievefor the mind. Another way is finding ways to motivate and challenge ourselves to All kinds of things, such as going for a goal  to earn a college degree, challenging a friendTo a competition of some sort, or just going after something big in life. This will be a way of creating positive emotions in time increase motivation.

    There are many physical ways of happiness that can increase our  health. People always wonder how they can becoming healthier by doing physical activities,  There are many to go around. For starters exercising, going to the gym working out the arms, legs,hands. Feet, back and chest.  This is another way of relieving stress and anxiety from people with jobs or people who are in school or both. Some other kinds of activity’s involved are bike riding , ice skating,  swimming, out to a club dancing and playing sports basketball, soccer and tennis.  Another way is spending time with family and friends, doing activities with them such as going to places, exploring new areas around the city or world if decided to travel.   These activities will enable us to keep our bodies moving and more importantly prevent us from having illness’s.  For  those who are in relationships intercourse is very good happy exciting activity for their health because one it will keep them in shape and two it is good for the heart.  In an Article it is proven that people who do physical activity are more likely  to be happier than people who donot do physical activity. “Sportive people tend to be somewhat happier than non-sportive people, and the difference appears to be independent of age, marital
status and physical health” (Schulz, 1985). R Veenhoven, 460.

   Can Happiness always be the way to better health. It can if tried out.  Mentally wiseentertaining ourselves watching TV, laughing for now reason but still counts because it increases your health in mood.  Performing physical activities by excising, going ice-skating, bike riding and spending time with family and friends and also doing active things.

Sources:  The Laughing Guru, Kataria  Khatchadourin.

Healthy happiness: effects of happiness on physical health and the consequences for preventive health care, Veenhoven, R

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happiness in health

Thesis: Is happiness a better way to becoming healthier? To become a happier in life
will be a  great way of becoming  healthier.


Source:  International Journal of Health Promotion & Education (INT J HEALTH PROMOT EDUC), 2010; 48(2): 58-64 (34 ref)

Description:  Background: This study aimed to identify the extent to which levels of happiness and self-efficacy could predict preventive health behaviours and BMI. Method: Data was collected from 100 adults (59% female), mean age 24.75 years, measuring happiness, generalised self-efficacy beliefs, BMI, health preventive behaviours, age and gender. Findings: Results indicate that both happiness and generalised self efficacy are salient for health preventive behaviours, explaining 20% and 26% of the variance respectively. Relationships were also noted whereby generalised self efficacy (r = -.l6,p =.05) and happiness (r = -.l6,p <.05) both negatively correlated with BMI. Finally, post hoc analysis revealed that there is a significant positive relationship between happiness and generalised selfefficacy (r =.5,p <.001). Conclusion: Evidence presented here suggests that happiness and high self-efficacy beliefs can significantly enhance health protective behaviours. Moreover, those who express higher levels of happiness, also exhibit higher levels of self efficacy and have a lower BMI. Suggestions are made to tailor health promotion campaigns towards enhancing mood and personal control beliefs.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blog 6 Edited Romatic relationships

How can Romantic relationships stay strong and happy ? It is not an easy process but can through a number of ways.  I think a romantic relationship Is being able to talk with your partner about almost anything, enjoying the time you spent with them, and taking good care of each other and loving each other for who they are. To begin it is important to for partners to confront each other when any type of problems or issues occur. Another way is for partners to keep a strong communication and lack of time for each other.  Last  partners must work together in order to look after one another.  My friend is a good example of a strong and happy relationship.In my paper I will discuss the necessary steps that are needed to maintain a healthy and successful relationship.

        It is important for Romantic partners to confront each other  when everA problem or issue comes up.  When a problem occurs in a relationship like one partner complains to the other about how they look, finding out they made a mistake, or even both partners arguing about who is right and who is wrong. Another issue is for both partner doing the same activities and not  trying somethingnew.  It is important for both  partners to spend time discussing their issues and notfight or get violent with one another.  As an example my friend has almost had an argument once over his girlfriend smoking a cigarette for a day. My friend does not like his girlfriend smoking because he’s concerned for her health. As a result what had happen was happen was they both had discuses the problem and they both had come to an agreement  and settled the problem.  If conditions of the relationship become too complicated to fix among themselves there are other ways they can get help with their problems. They can get help from a psychologist or counselor. Also better yet they can seek help from their family and friends. They are the most important when it comes for need of support. Partners should not to be limited  when it comes to activities.  In many relationships couples end to limit the amount of activities they do when spending time with each other. An example a couple will do the same activities every week gosee a movie and have dinner right after.  After a period of time it will get very tireing and boring there by creating a problem for the relationship because both partners will become bored of one another.  In “Happier” by Tal Ben Shahar  he states “Love cannot last without a rational foundation.”  pg 113.  What I think of  this quote is that both partners have to both be strong about their love for each other and know for sure why they love each other.  Expanding the activities a couple does will benefit them by increasing their happiness.  An example my friend not only his girlfriend’s house on the weekend or just buys her a nice dinner. They go horse back riding in Pennsylvania, explore the city checking out stores and new places to eat, and try Out new video games when at his own house for a weekend.

         During the relationship it is important to keep the lack of communication and time spent together strong.  In relationships there are many obstacles that interferewith both partners. For an example the girlfriend could be busy with school doing paper assignments and projects that require a lot of time, or for the boyfriend he may have to work extra hours because it is required of his job.  When these problems occur it is important that both partners keep a strong communication during these tough times. Not all the time a relationship means that you will have all the time in the world.their will be all kinds of interferences.  If not enough strong communication is kept during the relationship the lack of feeling for both individuals will begin to diminish.For example the way my friend makes up time for him and his girlfriend, he works oncertain days and she had a large number of classes. What they do to make time for one another is carefully plan out at least one or two days a week to spent some goodquality time for each other.  This way they keep the love and time for one another fareor even better balanced. Also mention by  Tal Ben Shahar   “In order to feelsatisfied within a relationship, we have to feel that the transaction is equitable. ”pg 118.From this quote what I think it is trying to say is that it is important that both partners are also on the same level of love because if not it will collapse.  
In a relationship it is important for both partners to look out and take care of one another.  In a relationship it is wise that both partners make an effort to look after one another helping each other pay the bills, doing chores around the house or apartment,or even looking after each others relative.  For an example if only one of the partners is taking all the responsibility and the other is not doing anything but just depending only on their partner, then there will be problems.  The reason for this is because it is unfair to the partner that is taking all the responsibility and also it shows that the other partner does not care.  Now if both partners are to contribute to helping each other out then it would be fare and they can have a happy working relationship. For an example my friend and his girlfriend both go to school.  Now they look out for each other by helping each other with their school work. She has a art class so he helps her with her art projects and for him she helps him with his paper assignments. Its like team work and it is fare for both partners. Another example one couple the boyfriend helps his girlfriend around the house with the cooking, laundry and fixing up the house.  As for the girlfriend she would be helping him out with paying off a bill, driving him to school, or making mealsfor him when he comes home from school or work.  If both partners are helping one another out they will be able to maintain their happiness as well as increase it knowing that they both truly care for one another.  
    Can Happiness for Romantic partners stay happy and strong? They most defiantly can if the right steps are done.  When ever problems occur it is wise and very smart that both partners confront each other about it. Talking it out or getting help from family or friends.  For couples it is also important to try out new things and not be limited.  Keeping good communication  of both partners and balancing out time for one another during busy times.  Last most important of all looking out for each other in everyway possible. All of these steps being done will maintainthe level of happiness and increase creating a happy and strong relationship

Blog 7 The things I am grateful for

    There are over of  number of things I am grateful for.  To begin I am grateful for living in a place where it is not too hectic or where too chaotic. I am grateful for living in a nice home with food and water on the table.  I am grateful for having  my family and closet friends who have always been there for me.  I am grateful for having a great number of talents which are being able to fix things tables, doors, game consoles, computers, specific types of machinery and more.  Also the other amazing talent I have is my art skills drawing, painting, sculpting, use of art software Photoshop, illustrator and 3D max and also my creative way of making art with these skills.  I am grateful for being able to walk, see, touch, smell, feel and hear.  I am grateful for being able to have the opportunity  receive an education and at the same time I am also able to receive the kind of education that I desire for a career also of my own choosing.  Another thing I am really grateful for is my health: not sick no deadly diseases or virus I have.  I am grateful for being able to take my time when it comes to doing any kind of activity and not worried about being rushed to do the activity.  I am grateful  foe being alive and having the opportunity to live.  Im grateful for being able to receive help in my collage If I ever run into trouble with papers, methods of studying for an exam or even tutoring for really tough math problems.  I am grateful for all of the things I am able to buy both thatI need and want cloths, school supplies, and when it comes to things I want I am able to get them game consoles, ipods and cell phones. I am grateful for all of the advance technology we have to day public transportation, the internet, washing machines, and TV. I am grateful for being able to be who I am and live in a country that I have the right
right to do what ever it is I want to do.

Monday, November 8, 2010

paper 2

Minas Polychronakis                                                                                    
ENG 101

DR. McCormick


            How can Romantic relationships stay strong and happy ? It is not an easy process but can through a number of ways. To begin it is important to for partners to confront each other when any type of problems or issues occur. Another way is for partners to keep a strong communication and lack of timefor each other.  Last  partners must work together in order to look after one another.  My friend is a good example of a strong and happy relationship.In my paper I will argue what steps are needed to  done in order for a relationship to stay strong, happy and Successful.
           It is important for Romantic partners to confront each other  when ever a problem or issue comes up.  When a problem occurs in a relationship like one partner complains to the other about how they look, finding out they made a mistake, or even both partners arguing about who is right and who is wrong. Another issue is for both partner doing the same activities and not  trying something new.  It is important for both  partners to spend time discussing their issues and not fight or get violent with one another.  As an example my friend has almost had an argument once over his girlfriend smoking a cigarette for a day. My friend does not like his girlfriend smoking because he’s concerned for her health. As a result what had happen was happen was they both had discuses the problem and they both had come to an agreement  and settled the problem.  If conditions of the relationship become too complicated to fix among themselves there are other ways they can get help with their problems. They can get help from a psychologist or counselor. Also better yet they can seek help from their family and friends. They are the most important when it comes for need of support. Partners should not to be limited  when it comes to activities.  In many relationships couples end to limit the amount of activities they do when spending time with each other. An example a couple will do the same activities every week go see a movie and have dinner right after.  After a period of time it will get very tireing and boring there by creating a problem for the relationship because both partners will becomebored of one another.  In “Happier” by Tal Ben Shahar pg 113 he states “Love cannotlast without a rational foundation.”  Expanding the activities a couple does will benefit them by increasing their happiness.  An example my friend not only his girlfriend’s house on the weekend or just buys her a nice dinner. They go horse back riding in Pennsylvania, explore the city checking out stores and new places to eat, and try Out new video games when at his own house for a weekend. 

         During the relationship it is important to keep the lack of communication and time spent together strong.  In relationships there are many obstacles that interfere with both partners. For an example the girlfriend could be busy with school doing paper assignments and projects that require a lot of time, or for the boyfriend he may have to work extra hours because it is required of his job.  When these problems occur it is important that both partners keep a strong communication during these tough times. Not all the time a relationship means that you will have all the time in the world. Their will be all kinds of interferences.  If not enough strong communication is kept during the relationship the lack of feeling for both individuals will begin to diminish.For example the way my friend makes up time for him and his girlfriend, he works on certain days and she had a large number of classes. What they do to make time for one another is carefully plan out at least one or two days a week to spent some good quality time for each other.  This way they keep the love and time for one another fare or even better balanced. Also mention by  Tal Ben Shahar  on page 118 “In order to feel satisfied within a relationship, we have to feel that the transaction is equitable.”

       In a relationship it is important for both partners to look out and take care of one another.  In a relationship it is wise that both partners make an effort to look after one another helping each other pay the bills, doing chores around the house or apartment,or even looking after each others relative.  For an example if only one of the partnersis taking all the responsibility and the other is not doing anything but just depending onlyon their partner, then there will be problems.  The reason for this is because it is unfair to the partner that is taking all the responsibility and also it shows that the other partner does not care.  Now if both partners are to contribute to helping each other out then it would be fare and they can have a happy working relationship. For an example my friend and his girlfriend both go to school.  Now they look out for each other by helping each other with their school work. She has a art class so he helps her with her art projects and for him she helps him with his paper assignments. Its like team work and it is fare for both partners. Another example one couple the boyfriend helps his girlfriend around the house with the cooking, laundry and fixing up the house.  As for the girlfriend she would be helping him out with paying off a bill, driving him to school, or making meals for him when he comes home from school or work.  If both partners are helping one Another out they will be able to maintain their happiness as well as increase it knowingthat they both truly care for one another. 

             Can Happiness for Romantic partners stay happy and strong? They mostdefiantly can if the right steps are done.  When ever problems occur it is wise andvery smart that both partners confront each other about it. Talking it out or gettinghelp from family or friends.  For couples it is also important to try out new thingsand not be limited.  Keeping good communication  of both partners and balancing out time for one another during busy times.  Last most important of all looking out for each other in everyway possible. All of these steps being done will maintain the level of happiness and increase creating a happy and strong relationship

Monday, October 18, 2010

social experiement

 A very interesting experiement as we were the couceler  and the one being observed and as well asswitching places.  and it was rather interesting to social being observed and then observing somebody. i am very set on what i want ton do as my career. the other jobs that i can possible have in the future is being a phycologist. Their isn also becoming an engineer because of my creative feel for designing and making a machine, building, car design, and computer.  Doing this experiment has enable me to foucus more. I will proceed with more research and try as many oppurtunies as much as humanly possible.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blog 4 Happiness and Work

     Choosing a career you think you will want; that you think will make you happy  is not a easy choice.  Since I am an art major and goal is to be a 3D animator, there are many problems I face. Putting happiness into work is a very long and complicated process.  However it can be done. I know for myself I will making a ton of mistakes and failures as well in order to succeed .  Their will be many challenges and critical choices I will have to make in my life in order to obtain a successful thing I know is   that I will  not become a failure because there are a number of things I can do in the art field besides 3D animation.

     To choose the career you want  comes with a large price and many challenges ahead.When I choose my career I already knew the risks that would happen.  Sometimes you may think the career you want is actually not the one that you will be happy with. As what happen to J K Rowling she mentions that she has made a lot of failures and that making failures she has learn a lot from. The way I understand it is that one way I will be learning a lot more about myself is making mistakes. Through mistakes you are able to learn more about yourself and the career you are pursuing. i  think it is important to try out new things and taking risks too.  An example when  opportunities come at you, you should take the chance. there are many people Who deny them because their afraid of what may happen or they think it will damage their future.  I know I took a big risk when I transferred to LaGuardia.  As a result I had to deal with a ton of required remedial classes. They took up a lot of my time.As a result I was learning though new things about myself and the career I was pursing.Learning to write better, writing better. These basic classes help me improve on areas i thought I would never would.  Transferring to LaGuardia was one of the best choices I had ever made. I may be graduating a bit late in my life however I know that when I finish I will be able to transfer to a 4 year collage and finish with a bachelor’s degree.  Many people expect to finish college fast and think the career they had chosen was the one for them.  I think that it is important to take your time in college: Explore different things while your pursing your career, take chances, face the fears you worry about the most.  I know that  while I am still in college I will never limit my self to one thing. As proof I have discovered that I have talent when it comes to technology, poetry and my sense of creativity for writing.  The key is defining yourself and exploring what and what don’t work out for you.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog 3

How can we find happiness in Education?, a very complex and interesting question to ask.  I want to expand my talents in Education to increase my happiness.  I am an artist however it is not the only talent I have, I have a few others as well like building things,repairing items of all sorts computers, game consoles, and more.  I’ve come to realize that i want to be an engineer as a back up idea incase the art world doesn’t work out for me.One of the main problems I am having is my academics I want to find a way to increase happiness and performance in them such as Reading, writing, and math.  Another thingi want to do with my talent is expand my ideas and creativity to see what other things i can do besides art.  One of the most important ways to improve happiness in education is to improve the mind and body.  It is important to take opportunities in school when they are offered to you, it be can another  way to improve your happiness in education. In my paper I will argue how I can improve my happiness in education; including steps on how I am going to achieve them.
      I have trouble with academics such as reading writing and math.  In school i notice that I am having trouble with these main subjects.  To begin I have a hard timereading, I don’t read enough; to which  is why I am slow at understanding parts from specific reading material like poems or short stories.  For me i need to find inspirationand something to motivate me to read more; including  things that i am not interested in to read but required to do for a class.  I think that we all need an extra push  when it comes down to reading material that I don’t like.  I know that for the future reading will be important because it will be needed when I have a job, sign important documents,or even when I become my own boss.  When it comes down to writing it is yet another problem I have.  I struggle constantly with it when i have to write a paper, make a report,or even an essay exam.  The way they teach students how to write in schools I think needsto be improved.  Ill admit I do like to write, however at the same time I don’t.  In order to fix this problem I think that I need to do more free writing.  I personally think that all classes that is required to make any type of papers or reports should encourage students to do free writing.  I know that for me it would help me find happiness in writing more, that it would benefit me now and for the future.  Now as far as Math I dislike it the most.  A number of very complex problems to solve and some of the math that I was required to learn has no use in life.  Of all of the subjects in my life,  I cant see how I can find happiness in math.  This subject has Always been a problem for me. In high school it was not taught to me properly to which is why I have a hard time with it.  Even in collage how can you learn math if there are some many different ways to solve an equation.  This is one subject i will have to improve on the most.  I’ve yet to find a way to be happy in doing math.  I know that for the future I will need to find a way to improve on it because it will be important when it comes to building something or any career i will be in in the future as my full time job.  One way or another there are a number of steps I must take in order to improve my happiness in these particular subjects.

    It is important to try out new things when it comes to  getting your educationin collage.  When taking classes that are either required or ones you enjoy I think thatit is wise to try taking one extra class that you may be interested in.  I know that if i was to take a class that is not related to my major I might find out that I have other talents besides art that I can do.  For an example I would like to take a how to speak Spanish class for the future.  I know that it will come in handy someday because Spanish is one of the most popular languages besides English spoken in this country. Another kind of class I would like to take is how to wield metal together.  I know that If I take this kind of class also it will benefit me both in the art world and if I do any kinds of jobs in the construction or design fields.I know that trying out these types of classes I will find even more happiness and even more when I go for other degrees in the future while in collage.

      It is important to put a lot of organization when it comes to the mind and body while in collage.   When I take an exam, do a homework assignment, and even a large scale project;  ive noticed that I have a hard time focusing when it comes to doing any kind of school work.  I usually end up doing school work assignments last minute or sometimes not at all. I tend to procrastinate a lot.  I believe that if I began to focusmore on getting school work done in advance that it would be less stressful on the mind.
      Keeping the physical  body in shape I think can be very important while getting and education in collage. While in school I don’t always like to sit around and be in class,I think that it is important for myself to keep active and be able to move around as Much as possible. I say this because sometimes I have a tendency to fall asleep in class.In order for be to be happy In class I make an effort to use the school gym after I am donewith classes.  It is also important to get enough sleep that way you can get up the next day on time for classes.  This I have  also yet again to have proven for myself.  
    It is important to control my actions and how I use my time in school.Whenever I get an opportunity in school to improve on something I always end up bailing out of it. The reason I do that is because I am stubborn,  sometimes when i do go for tutoring for a class it works and then sometimes it doesn’t.  to specify When it comes to a test, paper, or just standard homework assignments.  I am making school difficult for myself to handle. One of other reasons I turn down opportunities this because I am un able to tell if it is worth my time.  After a number of failures that occurred in previous classes, I know here and now is what is most important as far as taking the chance.  I know if I take opportunities more seriously that it will lead to better results of how I do in my classes and at the same time it will benefit me for the future. As an example being able prevent myself from repeating a class cause I didn’t get tutoring, or talking with the professor to get help for a assignment.To not say yes to a opportunity when available in school is like causing a delay in school progress and making yourself more unhappy.
      Can I really find happiness in education?, only time and making these changes can tell.  Improving on ways to become better in academics reading writing and math. My talents in taking classes that are not related to my major, a Spanish class or a wielding class.  I must find more ways to take more care of the mind  and body.  Last one of the most important things is when an opportunity is open; learning how to take the chance for a better future.  I enjoy being at school and I know if I don’t receive my degree’s that I will have a harder life working a bad job and not seeing my happiness not jus in education but  out their in the real world.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

blog 2

    How can we find happiness in Education ?,A difficult  question to solve yet it can be answered depending on what actions the person makes for him or herself.For me their are many things I must do in order to find happiness in education.Their  are some questions i must ask myself in order to actually find this happiness.To Start off  I need to find out what I enjoy that I want to learn. Two I need to find Out what I require in life that will benefit my education for now and the future.  Finally I must figure out what will  work for me and what will not for my education.In my blog I will argue how I can find happiness in education for myself.
   In order to find happiness in education i must learn what it is I want to education myself in.  I am an artist I enjoy drawing, sculpting, painting,and animating. For these activities I enjoy learning how to do all at LaGuardia Community collage.  Being a artist requires a lot of time and work.  Some people may say that what I am studying is foolish, however that doesn’t stop me from what i love to do. I find that in order to keep myself going, I must stay focused and continue to educated myself. I know when I am finished at LaGuardia I want to transfer to a 4 year Collage to pursue a Bachelors degree in 3D animation. My goal is to become a 3D animator and animate both TV shows and movies.    Another activity  I enjoy to do is fix Computer, consoles, and things in my house.  I continue to study how and educate myself how to  fix even more things out there. I not only enjoy it but I keep in mind that it will benefit me someday in the future.
    It is important in life to learn what it is you need in education in order to also find happiness in it.  Just as much as enjoying education for what you want it is important to learn things in education  I may not like. For example I am not a big fan of  math and English, but I know if I don’t take these courses I cannot continue in education whether i am required to take these classes for a degree or if I may need it out there in the real world. With math courses though I don’t like them at all, I know that it will benefit me when I have to make a special measurement for a painting ,  add or subtract part of a piece from a 3D model in a  program for my animation., and even for the number of frames I will use to make a animation.  As for English another subject least of my favorites.  I know that it will be important for now and for my future.  As when i write a story for an animation, write a report or paper for one of my future bosses,and including how to write properly when i explain to others of who I am. I know that even if their are other subjects that are required of me to take in order to get my Degree, i must do them.  I am also not a fan of big exams, yet i know when i take them now that it will benefit me for later.  With all of these obstacles in my way the only way to get through them is to face them, regardless how much I may not like them. 

       There are many factors to conclude in order to see what will work and what wont for my education.  In order to actually find happiness in education , it is important for Myself to know what action I do now that will benefit me in the future. For starters control of my actions.  When to study, time management, and doing the assignments on time.  I know that if I procrastinate or delay myself I will not enjoy education now andas well as my future too.  I think to find happiness in education is not easy, however with he right steps I know that I can find happiness in it.  What i realize is that if i was to leave collage with out a degree,  I would barely manage to survive out there.I would end up being nothing, I know that staying in collage does make me happy because I am pursuing a career that I want.  I got to collage not because I have to,but because I want to. I know that getting an education will benefit me now and for the future. As for example learning how increase my skills in Art, improving my skills in the academics English and art.  Most important of all improving myself as a person. I also enjoy going to school not only to get an education but to also make friends socialize, to know what goes on out in the world. I enjoy listening and understanding peoples opinions about the world. I know that some of those friends I make in collage may someday help me out or better yet, some may become my team mates in the working field.
    Can we all find happiness in education ? I think most defiantly it all depends on what actions people take as well as  I take.  From learning what I want to educate in which is art, improving My skills in painting, drawing, sculpting and animating. The subjects  I don’t enjoy English and math. I know I will need them because they are also important.  Finally the actions I take to make all of this work.  there are times where I don’t enjoy education, however I know that no matter what I must keep going no matter what happens. I know getting my education now is the most important step. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog 1

  How is it that we know what we want that will makes us happy ?  After reading Daniel Gilberts thoughts on what makes you happy I have found one of his topics that whichis “Impact bias” a very interesting concept  on this subject.  I will illustrate two examples of the subject. The first of when I was attending the Pratt Institute and majoring in graphic design which I thought I was going to be happy  with pursing as my desired career. My other example was taking a philosophy class when I transferred to LaGuardiacommunity collage.  I will also explain why I support Gilberts idea of Impact Bias.  In my blog I will argue why he is right about  specific topic on what makes you happy.
  What I thought would make me happy didn’t and as a result I had to make dramaticSteps towards what I really wanted.  When I was attending the Pratt institute in Manhattan, I was majoring in Graphic design. As a result I thought that going there to major and pursue graphic design as a career would really make me happy.  HoweverI was very wrong and showed very little interest, when in fact I was more interestedIn 3D animation. To which was why I transferred to LaGuardia to learn the basics and start from scratch. My second mistake was taking  a intro to philosophy class whenI transferred to LaGuardia community collage.When I thought it would be an easy course and  also very fun.Yet again I made a mistake and thought that it would make mehappy and that it would be entertaining. As a result it was a very difficult class and i nearly was very close to failing it.   After making these two big mistakes I’ve learned that it is important to know rather then to think of what you really want. 
    In GilbertsArticle he explains more on this kind this concept.  Gilberts idea of Impact bias is very true and I am able to understand and explainWhy.  When Gilbert explains in the article The futile pursuit of happiness about “Miss wanting”  I agree with this. It is true that what ever we think gives us pleasure is actuallyNot what we are really wanting.  We cant just say what we want because of what we thinkIt is important to know what we want.  As he states in  bottom paragraph page 8

   “The problem is you cant always know what you want”

It is very vague to make a decision about what you think rather thane what you know what is it that you desire that will make you happy.  I think that usually one of the most obvious ways of knowing what you want is thought actually  experiencing what you think you may want.    The way I understand his idea of impact bias and how I understand of what he was trying get across is that, It is important to think and know very well what exactly will make you happy. Not just guessing and making quick assumptions of what will make you happy.  As I Mention earlier about my career choice the reason I made that mistake was because I thought I knew what I wanted when in fact I was wrong.  We must be clear  in our minds about what makes us happy and not assume otherwise people will make mistakes more frequent about what they think will make them happy.
   Will we always know what makes us happy ?  Of course not it is important that we Think clearly about what we desires and not know off of a assumption or just imagine.As my example of what career I thought I wanted to pursue which I was wrong and know Have made the right decision because I took my time.  Gilbert’s Impact bias is true and I understand it clearly.  As his he mentions miss wanting as what we think will give us pleasure.  In my opinion we must all know what we want thought life experiences otherwise how can we learn.  


Monday, September 20, 2010

About me

  Hey My name is Minas Ive lived been here in this lovely city since i was a little. My interests are hanging out,
 keeping busy,drawing painting,sculpting, fixing things of all kinds and spending most of my time doing something.
 i am getting my Associates Degree in Fine arts and then will transfer to a arts school for a degree in 3 D animation. i like trying new things and exploring new areas. i get along with almost everyone i do not judge so quickly i give people chances to get to know them. i listen to all kinds of Music. i like to bike alot and very far distances as well.  if theres anything you would like to ask feel free im all ears. :)


Hello how is everyone doing