Minas Polychronakis Polychronakis 1
ENG 101
DR. McCormick
How can Happiness make us healthier? Happiness makes us healthy intwo ways mentally and physically. Taking care of the mind is a tricky task but can be achieved by keeping the mind busy and active and there are many ways of mental happiness to make ourselves healthier. The other way of making ourselves healthier isthrough physical happiness, keeping the body in motion and also active. In my paper I will discuss the ways of how happiness can make us healthier by listing these ways ofboth mentally and physically.
Using happiness to become healthier using the mental ways is a tricky task because there are different methods that are used to make people happier to increase health.
To begin one way is entertainment, like watching a funny/action movie or TV show.This is one way of relieving the mind from stress or anxiety. Another way which somemay find silly and some that find it very useful is a method made up by the Laughing Guru, who is Kataria Khatchadourin. The method he has proposed to the whole world is laughing for no reason. Many have tried this and found that they actually feel a lot better even though they laugh for no reason. As an example from this little experimentis from what a few of the people in one of Khatchadourin session said , “Laughter connects you with people,” someone Else called out. “it reduces stress,” It releases you from the bondage of your ego.” The Laughing Guru 79. Kataria’s has been tried all over the world and in many cases it has proven to be effective. Hearing a numberof jokes is yet another way of becoming happier and it will also give a sign of relievefor the mind. Another way is finding ways to motivate and challenge ourselves to All kinds of things, such as going for a goal to earn a college degree, challenging a friendTo a competition of some sort, or just going after something big in life. This will be a way of creating positive emotions in time increase motivation.
There are many physical ways of happiness that can increase our health. People always wonder how they can becoming healthier by doing physical activities, There are many to go around. For starters exercising, going to the gym working out the arms, legs,hands. Feet, back and chest. This is another way of relieving stress and anxiety from people with jobs or people who are in school or both. Some other kinds of activity’s involved are bike riding , ice skating, swimming, out to a club dancing and playing sports basketball, soccer and tennis. Another way is spending time with family and friends, doing activities with them such as going to places, exploring new areas around the city or world if decided to travel. These activities will enable us to keep our bodies moving and more importantly prevent us from having illness’s. For those who are in relationships intercourse is very good happy exciting activity for their health because one it will keep them in shape and two it is good for the heart. In an Article it is proven that people who do physical activity are more likely to be happier than people who donot do physical activity. “Sportive people tend to be somewhat happier than non-sportive people, and the difference appears to be independent of age, marital
status and physical health” (Schulz, 1985). R Veenhoven, 460.
Can Happiness always be the way to better health. It can if tried out. Mentally wiseentertaining ourselves watching TV, laughing for now reason but still counts because it increases your health in mood. Performing physical activities by excising, going ice-skating, bike riding and spending time with family and friends and also doing active things.
Sources: The Laughing Guru, Kataria Khatchadourin.
Healthy happiness: effects of happiness on physical health and the consequences for preventive health care, Veenhoven, R
interesting, a couple of misspelling and other cases you forgot to hit space. proofhead it. you got good quotes.